Small Grant Scheme for Australia Awards Alumni

Australia Awards are provided to build the skills and knowledge of individuals so that they can contribute to their country’s development, and to support the ongoing development of links between Australia and the countries to which it provides aid.

In line with its new International Development Policy, Australia’s current development cooperation program in Maldives will focus on building effective and accountable states, enhancing sate and community resilience, collective action on global challenges and connecting partners with Australian and regional architecture. Crosscutting thematic priorities that should be addressed in projects include empowering women and girls, gender equality, disability equity and climate action.

Profound challenges continue to reshape our world, testing the collective resolve of people. The Australian High Commission to the Republic of Maldives intends to support and build on alumni initiatives directly connected to addressing the below priority sectors in Maldives through the offering of a small grant scheme that can be accessed by Australia Awards alumni in the Maldives.

Alumni proposals that are linked to the below priority sectors and incorporate gender equality, disability equity and climate action as cross-cutting themes will be given priority and evaluated in the selection process.

Building effective and accountable states Enhancing state and community resilience Connecting partners with Australian and regional architecture General collective action on global challenges
Improved governance

Economic policy reform and management and private sector development

Economic empowerment

Social protection measures

Gender equality

Disability equity





Food security

Climate adaptation, mitigation, environment and biodiversity

Maritime security




Strengthening leadership

Labour mobility

Strengthening regional leadership








Multilateral engagement


Emergency assistance









Funding will be available for a maximum of AUD 5,000 per grant project linked to the aforementioned priority areas and incorporate gender equality, disability equity and climate action as cross-cutting themes. All projects must be completed within 9 months of grant signing.

Interested applicants should read the information below on how to apply.

The objectives of the small grant scheme are to:

  • increase sustainability in the development objectives of Maldives
  • combine capacities of skilled professionals to achieve common development objectives
  • establish a platform for sector specialists/organisations to develop linkages/consortiums that can continue to work without the support of a grant
  • provide scholars and alumni with professional development activities to make them better leaders for development
  • support scholars and alumni to establish and maintain networks with Australians and Australian organisations
  • enhance the Australia Awards experience of scholars and participants to make them more engaged as alumni.

All Australia Awards alumni currently residing in the Maldives are invited to submit applications, including those who studied in Australia through an Australia Awards Scholarship or Short Course, an Endeavour Scholarship or Fellowship.

Applications may be submitted as:

  • An individual alumnus/alumna
  • A group consisting of up to five global alumni (the principal applicant MUST be an Australia Awards Scholarships or Short Course alum)

A duly filled application form and budget, together with other required documentation, must be submitted to by 22 February 2025. Hard copy applications will not be accepted.

Opportunities are awarded on a competitive basis and all decisions are final.

For further details on eligibility criteria, the application process and other formalities, please refer the small grant scheme guidelines in the application document section below.